edizione più recente: Cinelatinotrieste 2023

Kukama, la lengua de mis abuelos

Kukama, la lingua dei miei nonni (IT)


Kukama, the language of my grandfathers (EN)

di Alejandro Legaspi - Perù 2019 - Documentario - 52 min. (lingua: spagnolo / sottotitoli: italiano, inglese)

Sezione: Contemporanea Mundo Latino Online il: Wednesday 11 november - Thursday 12 november - Sunday 15 november - Monday 16 november

online on the platform

Film available for the following regions:
Italy, European Union and 3 Americas



Elí Tamani Irarica, a young member of the Kukama tribe from the peruvian jungle, has just graduated as teacher of primary intercultural and bilingual education. He’s going to move to a small community in the Marañon River region to practice his profession for the first time. During his journey, travelling in a boat with a capacity for three hundred people and full of hammocks, we will find out about his life.



Alejandro Legaspi (Montevideo, 1948) was a member of the Cinemateca del Tercer Mundo of Uruguay. In 1974 he moved to Peru. He has worked with Peter Lillenthal in Nicaragua. Press correspondent for Visnews and Switzerland TV - Schweizer Fernsehen. He has directed documentary and feature films. He is a founding member of the Chaski Group (1982). He has won prizes in different film festivals.


Alejandro Sergio Legaspi Etchechuri

Director of Photography:

Alejandro Legaspi


Alejandro Legaspi


Tito La Rosa


Guillermo Palacios


Elí Tamani Irarica


Javier Portocarrero


European Union = the 27 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Malta)
3 Americas = from Alaska to Patagonia