edizione più recente: Cinelatinotrieste 2023

Lunes o martes nunca domingo

Lunedì o martedì mai la domenica (IT)


Monday or Tuesday Never Sunday (EN)

di Maruvi Leonett Villaquirán, Javier Martintereso Calvo - Venezuela 2020 - Fiction - 119 min. (lingua: spagnolo / sottotitoli: italiano, inglese)

Sezione: Concorso Ufficiale Online il: Thursday 12 november - Frayday 13 november - Sunday 15 november - Monday 16 november

online on the platform

Film available for the following regions:
Italy, European Union and 3 Americas



Gregoria is a young peasant from the Venezuelan Andes, Lucia is a frivolous middle-aged city dweller. Forced by the circumstances they have to travel together to reach their destinations. One will discover the past, the other will discover her present.


Miglior film e miglior attrice ex aequo al Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Calzada de Calatrava (Spagna, 2020).



Venezuelan writer and filmmaker. She has graduated with a degree in Cinema in the the School of Arts of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and a postgraduate degree in screenwriting in the Escuela Superior de Cinematografía y Audiovisual in Catalonia (ESCAC), Barcelona. She holds workshops in screenwriting, filmmaking, and cinematography in the Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión, EICTV.


Maruvi Leonett Villaquirán

Director of Photography:

Marco Santaniello


Ilka Valdez


Martín Hurtado, Paúl Rondón


Marco Salaverría


Marian Valero, Moyra Ángeles, Asdrúbal Meléndez, Juvel Vielma


Javier Mendoza Palomares, Maruvi Leonett Villaquirán, Javier Martintereso Calvo


Buena Hierba Producciones Audiovisuales


European Union = the 27 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Malta)
3 Americas = from Alaska to Patagonia