edizione più recente: Cinelatinotrieste 2023

El tren popular de la cultura

Il treno popolare della cultura (IT)


The Popular Train of Culture (EN)

di Carolina Espinoza Cartes - Cile | Spagna 2015 - Documentario - 60 min. (lingua: spagnolo / sottotitoli: italiano, inglese)

Sezione: Eventi Speciali Online il: Saturday 7 november - Sunday 8 november

online on the platform

Film available for the following regions:



This documentary film tells the story of an initiative of the government of Chilean President Salvador Allende which aimed to bring culture closer to people who did not have access to it, as part of measure 40 of its government program. The ultimate goal was the creation of the National Institute of Arts and Culture and art schools in all provinces of the country.


Premio del pubblico nei seguenti festival: Festival del Nuovo Cinema Latino Americano dell’Avana (Cuba, 2015), Docfeed (Paesi Bassi, 2017), Aegean Docs (Grecia, 2015), Festival In Corto (Messico, 2015), Festival Thin Line (USA, 2015), Movie Activism (Serbia, 2015), Mostra del Cinema Documentale Central TLX (Messico, 2015), Atlantidoc (Uruguay, 2015), Festival del cinema dei diritti umani “El Séptimo ojo es tuyo” (Bolivia, 2015), Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Lavapiés (Spagna, 2017).



Carolina Espinoza Cartes (Concepción, Chile, 1974) is a journalist with a degree from the University of Concepción and a PhD in Social Anthropology from the UNED. In Chile she worked as an editor for National Television of Chile and Radio Cooperativa, and in Spain she has been editor for the Ibero-American Educational Television and the UNED Center for Audiovisual Media.


Carolina Espinoza Cartes, Juan Martín Otegui

Director of Photography:

Miguel Angel González


Miguel Angel González


No nos moverán, El alma de mi pueblo, Un largo recorrido


No Problem Sonido


Grupo Tiemponuevo, Rolando Alarcón, Cabro Homer


Sociedad Sonora Producciones


European Union = the 27 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Malta)
3 Americas = from Alaska to Patagonia