edizione più recente: Cinelatinotrieste 2023

Barraca 18, historia de un sobreviviente

Baracca 18, storia di un sopravvissuto (IT)


Barrack 18, story of a survivor (EN)

di Noelia Carrizo D'Alessandro - Argentina 2007 - Documentario - 65 min. (lingua: spagnolo)

Sezione: Shalom: il Sentiero Ebraico in America Latina Online il: Saturday 7 november

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It’s a documentary in which we meet Edgar Wildfeuer, a man who dares to tell everything he experienced during the Second World War, when he was imprisoned in many concentration camps, and how he fought to survive those years that marked the history of mankind forever.


Premio per la miglior tesi di Laurea al Festival del Cinema Latino Americano di Trieste (Italia, 2007)



She has a degree in Social Communication and Cinema. Thanks to a scholarship awarded by the Trieste Latin American Film Festival for her documentary Barraca 18, historia de un sobreviviente, she has studied at ACT Multimedia Cinema School in Cinecittá, Rome. She lives in her hometown Salta, northern Argentina, where she works as a producer, screenwriter, and director.


José Goldenberg

Director of Photography:

Noelia Carrizo D'Alessandro


Noelia Carrizo D'Alessandro


César Mazzotta


César Mazzotta


Edgard Wildfeuer


José Goldenberg


European Union = the 27 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Malta)
3 Americas = from Alaska to Patagonia