edizione più recente: Cinelatinotrieste 2023


Presentes (IT)


Presentes (EN)

di Abel Guillén, Javi Cerezuela - Uruguay | Spagna 2019 - Documentario - 80 min. (lingua: spagnolo / sottotitoli: italiano, inglese)

Sezione: Contemporanea Malvinas Online il: Frayday 13 november - Saturday 14 november

online on the platform

Film available for the following regions:
Italy, European Union and 3 Americas



At the height of the Cold War and under the US National Security doctrine, the Uruguayan oligarchies staged a coup d’état that initiated the civic-military dictatorship. Their aim: dismantle the growing left-wing social and political movement.
Testimonies from the rural areas are gathered in this documentary film, which supports the process of Truth, Justice and Nunca más (Never Again) in Uruguay.


Premio del pubblico per il Miglior Documentario conferito dall’Associazione dei Critici Cinematografici dell’Uruguay (2019)



Abel Guillen is a historian and academic expert in social memory and human rights. His personal experience and direct contact with the victims and relatives of the disappeared from State terrorism and survivors from Operation Condor allowed him to dig deeper into the matter.
Javi Cerezuela is a self-taught filmmaker. He has worked on different audiovisual projects as camera assistant and director.


Abel Guillén

Director of Photography:

Javi Cerezuela


Javi Cerezuela, Abel Guillén


Jaime Arriaga, Samuel Vidal y Javier García


Javier García


Mario Fabri, Dante Raimond, Cristina Garrido, Mariana Errandonea, Jorge Vidart, Helvécio Machín, Carlos Morena, Julio Ojeda, Wilson Falero, Lyliam Loperena


Labrando Producciones


European Union = the 27 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Malta)
3 Americas = from Alaska to Patagonia