edizione più recente: Cinelatinotrieste 2023

Paraíso nazi

Paradiso nazista (IT)


Nazi paradise (EN)

di Emiliano Ravenna - Argentina 2021 - Film d’animazione - 13 min. (lingua: spagnolo / sottotitoli: italiano)

Sezione: Shalom, il sentiero ebraico in America Latina In sala il: Sunday 7 november Online il: Tuesday 9 november - Wednesday 10 november

online on the platform

Film available for the following regions:
Italy, European Union, Grand Britain and 3 Americas



On April 10, 1938, a monumental Nazi act was held in Buenos Aires in favour of the Third Reich, within the framework of the annexation of Austria. In 2015, more than 700 official reports from the American FBI were declassified. In those documents, in 1945, the possibility that Hitler could have escaped to Argentina was persistently reiterated.



Emiliano Ravenna is a screenwriter and director and boasts a wide film production: “November” and “Ritual” (2011, screenwriter), “Linkin lives” (2012, screenwriter), “Shock my abstraction of death” (2013, screenwriter), “DeejaysXgeneration” (2014, screenwriter and director), “Noviembre noir (femme fatale)” (2016, screenwriter and director), “City of souls” (2016, screenwriter and director), “Red nose” (2019, director), “Nazi paradise” (2021, screenwriter and director), “Claroscuro” (Movie Comic, 2021, screenwriter, director and post producer).


Emiliano Ravenna

Director of Photography:

Javier Ponce


Federico Lorenzo


Lucas Maureira


Luciana Foglio


Max Tannchen, Pablo Trimarchi


Latina Movie Company


Latina Movie Company


European Union = the 27 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Malta)
3 Americas = from Alaska to Patagonia