edizione più recente: Cinelatinotrieste 2023

O clube dos anjos

Il club degli angeli (IT)


The club of angels (EN)

di Angelo Defanti - Brasile 2020 - Fiction - 102 min. (lingua: portoghese / sottotitoli: italiano, inglese)

Sezione: Cinema e Letteratura In sala il: Thursday 11 november


A group of friends meet a mysterious chef that may be poisoning them. Why would these men want to keep returning to the dinners?



Defanti is interested in adaptations of Brazil’s great authors into artistic films.

Born in 1983 in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, is a filmmaker and screenwriter. He has directed six short films. In 2016, he premiered the HBO series "HQ – Special Edition", in which he directed and wrote the scripts for all ten 60-minutes episodes. Has also worked as a writer for production companies such as RT Features, Glaz Entertainment and Coala Filmes. "The Club of Angels" is his first feature film.


Angelo Defanti

Director of Photography:

Rui Poças


Livia Arbex


André Abujamra


Juliano Zoppi, Pedro Góis, Tiago Raposinho


Otávio Muller, Matheus Nachtergaele, Paulo Miklos, Marco Ricca, Augusto Madeira, André Abujamra, César Melo, ngelo Antônio, Samuel de Assis, António Capelo


Bárbara Defanti, Sara Silveira, Angelo Defanti, Pandora da Cunha Telles, Pablo Iraola


Sobretudo Produção, Dezenove Som e Imagens, Ukbar Filmes, Warner Bros